Tuesday, 9 September 2014

TTT - Underrated Fantasy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish
Each week a new topic is given and weeks topic is:

Top Ten Underrated Fantasy Authors
Kushiel's Dart (Phèdre's Trilogy, #1)
Jacqueline Carey
One of my favourite authors of all time. Carey's books are pretty heavy and aren't for everyone (there's some material that may be off-putting for some people) but Kushiel's Dart is one of the best books I've ever read. She's been on my auto-buy list for many years now and I can't see her leaving it any time soon.

Daughter of the Forest  (Sevenwaters, #1)
Juliet Marillier

The Sevenwaters series is absolutely beautiful. If you haven't read Daughter of the Forest, go pick it up right now. Go! I can wait! I may just need to re-purchase some of these because I can't find my copies anywhere.

The Naming (The Books of Pellinor, #1)
Alison Croggon

So I never actually finished Croggon's first series, The Books of Pellinor. I own and have read the first two, but it was years and years ago and I will need to re-read them before I can read the last two books. I want to, I just haven't gotten around to it. Yet.

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)
Susan Ee

Ee's first book, Angelfall, has garnered a lot of praise in the blogging community and it's well deserved. I recently read the second book in the series, World After, and it was just as engaging and exciting at Angelfall. Well worth the wait.

Seraphina (Seraphina, #1)
Rachel Hartman
I am absolutely in love with Seraphina, Hartman's debut novel. I'm make grabby hands at my screen every time I see the cover for Shadow Scale because I NEED IT NOOOOWWWW.

Green Rider (Green Rider, #1)
Kristen Britain

Another series I never finished, but that was really great. I read the first two books in Britain's Green Rider trilogy in high school, but by the time I got the third book out of the library I had completely forgotten the events of the first two! Time for a re-read?

Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles, #1)
Melina Marchetta

I'm pretty sure everyone in the blogging world knows how much of a genius Marchetta is by this point, but I find that she usually gets much more praise for her contemporary books than for her fantasy trilogy. And that's sad because the Lumatere Chronicles is AH-MAH-ZING. I read a lot of fantasy, and this trilogy is by far one of the best out there.

Malinda Lo

Lesbian Cinderella retelling? Don't mind if I do. I'll admit that I haven't read Ash yet, but I've read Huntress and it was great, and I can vouch for her sci-fi duology as well.

The False Princess
Eilis O'Neal

Have you not read The False Princess yet? Go read it. It's good. Really good.

Dealing with Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles, #1)
Patricia C. Wrede

I'm pretty sure Patricia C. Wrede is quite well known, but I only just discovered that she wrote not only the Enchanted Forest Chronicles but Sorcery & Cecilia! How did I not know that??

Are you familiar with any of these authors? Have you read any of their books? What did you think of them? Have I convinced you to read anything from my list?

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