Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.
Each week a new topic is given and weeks topic is:
Top Ten Underrated Fantasy Authors

Jacqueline Carey
One of my favourite authors of all time. Carey's books are pretty heavy and aren't for everyone (there's some material that may be off-putting for some people) but Kushiel's Dart is one of the best books I've ever read. She's been on my auto-buy list for many years now and I can't see her leaving it any time soon.
Juliet Marillier
The Sevenwaters series is absolutely beautiful. If you haven't read Daughter of the Forest, go pick it up right now. Go! I can wait! I may just need to re-purchase some of these because I can't find my copies anywhere.

Alison Croggon
So I never actually finished Croggon's first series, The Books of Pellinor. I own and have read the first two, but it was years and years ago and I will need to re-read them before I can read the last two books. I want to, I just haven't gotten around to it. Yet.

Susan Ee
Ee's first book, Angelfall, has garnered a lot of praise in the blogging community and it's well deserved. I recently read the second book in the series, World After, and it was just as engaging and exciting at Angelfall. Well worth the wait.

Rachel Hartman
I am absolutely in love with Seraphina, Hartman's debut novel. I'm make grabby hands at my screen every time I see the cover for Shadow Scale because I NEED IT NOOOOWWWW.

Kristen Britain
Another series I never finished, but that was really great. I read the first two books in Britain's Green Rider trilogy in high school, but by the time I got the third book out of the library I had completely forgotten the events of the first two! Time for a re-read?

Melina Marchetta
I'm pretty sure everyone in the blogging world knows how much of a genius Marchetta is by this point, but I find that she usually gets much more praise for her contemporary books than for her fantasy trilogy. And that's sad because the Lumatere Chronicles is AH-MAH-ZING. I read a lot of fantasy, and this trilogy is by far one of the best out there.

Malinda Lo
Lesbian Cinderella retelling? Don't mind if I do. I'll admit that I haven't read Ash yet, but I've read Huntress and it was great, and I can vouch for her sci-fi duology as well.

Eilis O'Neal
Have you not read The False Princess yet? Go read it. It's good. Really good.

Patricia C. Wrede
I'm pretty sure Patricia C. Wrede is quite well known, but I only just discovered that she wrote not only the Enchanted Forest Chronicles but Sorcery & Cecilia! How did I not know that??
Are you familiar with any of these authors? Have you read any of their books? What did you think of them? Have I convinced you to read anything from my list?
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