Tuesday, 24 June 2014

TTT - Ten Book Cover Trends I Like/Dislike

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish
Each week a new topic is given and weeks topic is:

Top Ten Book Cover Trends I Like/Dislike

I'm pretty particular about covers. I have very specific tastes and am irritated by a lot of the covers I see out there, especially those of NA & Romance titles. They're pretty awful, in my opinion. SO! I've decided to list four things that I do like and six that I don't care for. Almost all of the examples are from my Goodreads TBR shelf.


I like clean lines and bright colours. I appreciate when the cover is eye-catching and not too busy.

I appreciate interesting font choices and integration of the title with the artwork. It makes everything appear more cohesive.

Vibrant Colours 
I know virtually nothing about this book, but am immediately drawn to the colour palette. There aren't a lot of books with bright, vibrant colour palettes.

What can I say, illustration tends to be more visually intriguing for me than photography. I find it tends to have more character and whimsy, which I enjoy.


Headless Torsos 
Why is this even a thing? I don't get why we need to see half a face, or just a body with no face at all. It seems lazy to me, though I'm not entirely sure why. I just don't like it.

Irrelevant, Impractical Gowns 
It's one thing when the book is a fantasy or historical fiction, but it is really common in the paranormal genre, where it just doesn't make sense. These characters are not prancing around in floor-length gowns on a daily basis, nor does it say anything about the story within. No thank you.

Dark Colour Palette 
I kind of touched on this earlier with my inclusion of bright colour palettes as something I like, but I think there is way too much use of black on covers. Dark-coloured covers just don't stand out to me. They all kind of blend together after a while...

Cheesy Romance/NA Covers 
This one isn't as bad as most, but I still don't like it. I'm not a fan of covers like this because there are just too many of them. It seems like practically all romance and new adult covers look pretty much identical, at least to me. The only thing this cover tells me about the book is that there is a romance between a guy with bad hair and a girl who doesn't wear blush.

No Connection to Story
Don't get me wrong, this cover is pretty. But it doesn't really have any relevance to the story. I guess they're supposed to be nails through little hearts, but it doesn't make any sense. I love the colouring and the simplicity, but this cover lost me with the lack of connection to the actual story.

Author Name Larger than Title 
This is really only a problem with big-name authors, so it's something that I don't encounter very often. It still irks me though. I get that you're famous, but the title is more important than the author, and should always be a larger and more interesting font. Author name is important, but it's secondary.

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