In case you don't already know, Bout of Books is a week-long readathon put together by Amanda (On a Book Bender) and Kelly (Reading the Paranormal). It starts at 12:01 Monday, August 18 and ends at 11:59 Sunday, August 24. There are challenges and fun stuff like that, but I'm not participating in those because minimal participation is where it's at, yo!
My goals are a little bit different this time around. I'm going to be spending most of this week packing up all of my stuff (and doing a major purge of all the stuff I don't want/need anymore) because I'm moving next week! I'm so excited and ready to get back to the city, especially given that I'll have a whole week of settling in before classes start. I get to see my friends again, after a whole summer of separation! Yay! However, more time spent packing means less time to read/spend on the internet.
- read for at least one hour a day
- read at least three books
- actually interact with other bloggers for once in my life
- figure out what these twitter chats everyone's talking about are all about
- get caught up on my reviews! I have like 5 books finished that I still need to write reviews for...
Irises by Francisco X Stork
The End of Everything by Megan Abbott
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
not pictured - More Than This by Patrick Ness
- These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Thank you for visiting my blog! Good luck on your goals. I hope you are able to surpass them and you have a ton of fun!