Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.
Each week a new topic is given and weeks topic is:
Top Ten Books With Boarding School Settings
1. The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead - I really need to re-read this series. I don't really remember anything that happened and I have no idea whether or not I've read the later books.
2. The Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead - This series is amazing. I actually like Sydney's story way more than Rose's, and I appreciate that she is a bit older than your average YA protagonist (I believe she's 18 or 19). Also, Adrian >>> Dimitri.
3. The Hex Hall series by Rachel Hawkins - These books are just so much fun. I didn't love the third one, but the first two were pretty great.
4. The Variant series by Robison Wells - I've only read the first book, but it was pretty fantastic. The writing could use some work, from what I remember, but I was completely enthralled by the story. I loved the way the boarding school was utilized, though I'm pretty sure it won't feature largely in Feedback.
5. Protector of the Small series by Tamora Pierce - I had a really hard time choosing between Kel and Alanna. I decided to go with Kel's books because they feature the knight academy in a much bigger role than Alanna's books do.
6. Looking for Alaska by John Green - I didn't love Looking for Alaska, but it was a good book. I actually don't remember most of the events of the book (I have serious book amnesia, it's a problem), but it's set in a boarding school and that is something that I always appreciate! It's also pretty freaking heartbreaking.
7. The Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray - I read these books quite a while ago, but I think I' due to return to them sometime soon. Libba's writing is fantastic and, while I would loathe attending it, I love reading about Gemma's school. I do wish a bit more of the novel had been set in India though, as that was one of the reasons I first liked it when I picked it up in the bookstore (I was about 14 at the time and my parents made me wait until it was paperback before they would buy it for me!).
8. The Harry freakin' Potter series by J.K. Rowling - Isn't this where the boarding school craze came from? Everyone wanted/wants to go to Hogwarts. Where else do you find moving stairs and talking portraits and dungeon classrooms? No where, that's where. It's always Hogwarts, and it always will be.
9. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins - Who wouldn't want to go to school in Paris? Really? I don't know why anyone would pass up an opportunity to study abroad, either during high school or college/uni. If I could afford it, I would be studying in Glasgow or Adelaide or Brussels or Stockholm right now. Really, I'd go anywhere that would take me!
10. Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline est la véritable OG, non? Anna's Paris has nothing on Madeline's. I was obsessed with Madeline as a child. I watched the 1998 movie on a weekly basis and had about 4 or 5 Madeline dolls (I even had Pepito & Miss Clavel in her habit!). Madeline (and Anne Shirley) is hugely responsible for my infatuation with red hair.
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