Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.
Each week a new topic is given and weeks topic is:
Top Ten Books I Would Love to See As a Movie/TV Show

1 – Everything written by Tamora Pierce (but specifically the Protector of the Small or Song of the Lioness series)
These books would translate SO WELL to film, but they would require a huge budget. BUT THEY’D BE SO SPECTACULAR AND I’VE WANTED THIS SINCE I WAS A SMALL CHILD SO I DON’T EVEN CARE.
These books would translate SO WELL to film, but they would require a huge budget. BUT THEY’D BE SO SPECTACULAR AND I’VE WANTED THIS SINCE I WAS A SMALL CHILD SO I DON’T EVEN CARE.
2 – The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
Not only is it an awesome book, but the MC is Asian. It would be so great to see a YA movie with a WOC-star (I’m not holding my breath).
Not only is it an awesome book, but the MC is Asian. It would be so great to see a YA movie with a WOC-star (I’m not holding my breath).
3 – Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
Technically these have already been done, but I try to pretend that those atrocious movies never happened. If they were done to the calibre of the Harry Potter movies, they would be awesome.
Technically these have already been done, but I try to pretend that those atrocious movies never happened. If they were done to the calibre of the Harry Potter movies, they would be awesome.
4 – Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
I think that this would transition well to film. It wouldn’t be able to capture Laini Taylor’s incredible words, but it would still be entertaining.
I think that this would transition well to film. It wouldn’t be able to capture Laini Taylor’s incredible words, but it would still be entertaining.
5 – The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
This book would make such a good indie film.
This book would make such a good indie film.
6 – Teeth by Hannah Moskowitz
Again, it would make a really interesting indie. I can see it: quiet, dimly-lit, with cool and dull colours and a general feel of melancholy.
Again, it would make a really interesting indie. I can see it: quiet, dimly-lit, with cool and dull colours and a general feel of melancholy.
7 – Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Wouldn’t this be such an awesome movie? It would be so freaking cool. You know I’m right.
Wouldn’t this be such an awesome movie? It would be so freaking cool. You know I’m right.
8 – None of the Regular Rules by Erin Downing
This was such a cute book, and I think it would make just as cute a movie. Even at its worst it would probably be better than most of the romantic comedies that are being made at the moment!
This was such a cute book, and I think it would make just as cute a movie. Even at its worst it would probably be better than most of the romantic comedies that are being made at the moment!
9 – Pivot Point by Kasie West
This one could get kind of confusing, but I think following both time lines would make for a really interesting movie or TV show (I actually see this one more as a TV show for some reason).
This one could get kind of confusing, but I think following both time lines would make for a really interesting movie or TV show (I actually see this one more as a TV show for some reason).
10 – Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
I didn’t love this book, but it was action-packed and featured two badass, yet very different, young ladies. It would make a great, unconventional cross between action movie and fairy-tale film.
I didn’t love this book, but it was action-packed and featured two badass, yet very different, young ladies. It would make a great, unconventional cross between action movie and fairy-tale film.
11 – Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith
I’m tacking on an extra book here because this book would be freaking TERRIFYING as a movie. I wouldn’t want to watch it myself because I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a month afterward, but it would still make for a good movie.
I’m tacking on an extra book here because this book would be freaking TERRIFYING as a movie. I wouldn’t want to watch it myself because I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a month afterward, but it would still make for a good movie.
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