Tuesday, 27 May 2014

TTT - Fantasy Series I Need to Get to Soon

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish
Each week a new topic is given and weeks topic is:

Freebie! Top Ten Fantasy Series I Need to Get to Soon

I had a tough time choosing what to do for this week's freebie. I was torn between this one and Top Ten Badass Main Characters, but I think I'll save that for later. There are a lot of series I want to read, but I'm particularly anxious for MORE FANTASY in my life.

I've read the first thirty or forty pages of Etiquette & Espionage and loved it, but had to return it to the library. I love Gail Carriger's writing and really want to read this series soon!

Everyone seems to love this series except me. I read the first chapter (I think) of Throne of Glass and then returned it to the library unread because I couldn't get into it. I'd love to try it again though, because it is so highly loved. I have a tendency towards jealousy when people love things without me.

Again, everyone loves these books. They look phenomenal. Also, THAT COVER ART. So much pretty.

Another book that I've read a few pages of, though I think I read less than five of Grave Mercy. Unfortunately I just wasn't in the mood at the time. I'm really looking forward to reading these though.

I don't have much to say about these except that they're highly acclaimed and I should have read them a long time ago.

I don't know much about these but I love that they don't follow the traditional European fantasy setting. The main character seems pretty unusual as well.

I'm so in love with the idea behind this series. I've read a bit of the first book but wasn't in the right mood (can you tell that I'm a mood reader?) and put it down a few years ago. I've been meaning to start it again ever since.

I've heard nothing but praise for this series (and Brandon Sanderson in general). I love fantasy with a female heroine, which I find to not be quite as common in adult fantasy as in YA, so I'm always happy to find a series that looks awesome.

I think there's something about dragons? Maybe I'm just basing that on the symbol on the cover of the first book? I really don't know anything about this series, but it looks badass.

I bought the first book in this series when it was first released back in 2011 and never ended up reading it. I read the first chapter or so and didn't really care for it, but I really do want to read this series. It sounds so interesting and the writing was pretty good from what I remember. I'm really not sure what I found objectionable about it back in the day.

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